
LeetCode Summary by Topics

Collection of summarized notes and key problem-solving techniques for various LeetCode topics.

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Full list of Leetcode questions
TopicLink to the problem sets
Array Leetcode Day 2 - Advanced Array Manipulation
Leetcode Day 1 - Array Basics
Linked List Leetcode Day 4 - Advanced Linked List Operations
Leetcode Day 3 - Linked List Basics
Hash Table Leetcode Day 6 - Advanced Hash Table
Leetcode Day 5 - Hash Table Basics
String Leetcode Day 8 - Advanced String Manipulations & KMP
Leetcode Day 7 - String Reversal and Manipulation Basics
Stack and Queue Leetcode Day 10 - Advanced Stack & Queue Applications
Leetcode Day 9 - Stack & Queue Fundamentals
Binary Tree Leetcode Day 18 - Binary Search Tree: Transformations and Conversions
Leetcode Day 17 - Binary Search Tree: Insertion, Deletion, and LCA
Leetcode Day 16 - Binary Tree: Binary Search Tree Special Cases
Leetcode Day 15 - Binary Tree: Construction and Search Operations
Leetcode Day 14 - Binary Tree: Path and Construction Problems
Leetcode Day 13 - Binary Tree: Tree Balance and Paths
Leetcode Day 12 - Binary Tree: Tree Structure and Depth
Leetcode Day 11 - Binary Tree: Traversal Techniques
Backtracking Leetcode Day 22 - Backtracking: Permutation & Chessboard
Leetcode Day 21 - Backtracking: Subsets
Leetcode Day 20 - Backtracking: Cutting
Leetcode Day 19 - Backtracking: Combination
Greedy Leetcode Day 27 - Greedy: Advanced Interval & Sequence Problems
Leetcode Day 26 - Greedy: Overlapping Intervals
Leetcode Day 25 - Greedy: Two-Dimensional Trade-Off
Leetcode Day 24 - Greedy: Stock and Jump Problems
Leetcode Day 23 - Greedy: Basic Applications
Dynamic Programming Leetcode Day 40 - DP: Palindromic Subsequence
Leetcode Day 38 - DP: Subsequence
Leetcode Day 35 - DP: Buy and Sell Stock
Leetcode Day 34 - DP: House Robber
Leetcode Day 33 - DP: Multiple Knapsack Problem
Leetcode Day 32 - DP: Complete Knapsack Problem
Leetcode Day 31 - Dynamic Programming
Leetcode Day 30 - DP : Backpack Problem Basic
Leetcode Day 29 - Dynamic Programming
Leetcode 28 - Dynamic Programming
Monotone stack Leetcode Day 42 - Monotone stack Advanced
Leetcode Day 41 - Monotone stack
Leetcode Day 41 - Monotone stack
Graph Theory Leetcode Day 43 - Graph Theory Basic


Array questions

Linked List

Linked List questions

Hash Table

Hash Table questions


String questions

Stack and Queue

Stack and Queue questions

Binary Tree

Binary Tree questions


Backtracking questions


Greedy questions

Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming questions

Monotone stack

Monotone stack questions

Graph Theory

Graph theory questions
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